Kindly Choose your most preferred plan, click on the link to apply and once that is done, a call would be placed to you by our representative for better follow up.
If you do not get a call after 30 mins of you application, Kindly send a WhatsApp message to +2348166653502 for better details.
Plan A (self sponsorship)
we help eligible applicants to create a professional profile and do a job search in their preferred country after their documentation (once we secure employment for them they will finance their visa fee, offer letter of employment, hosting and sponsorship ) then the applicant pay us the overall expenses immediately the visa is granted within two weeks to enable him /her resume abroad on time. With (2yrs )work permit, (2yrs) Accommodation, Flight, Insurance.
Total cost :(3.5m)
Deposit: (580k)
Balance: (2.920m)
Duration; 2-6months
While 2.8m without those services only 2weeks hotel accommodation, insurance, hosting, sponsorship, validation of offer, visa fee etc.
Deposit; (580k)
Balance; (2,3m)
Duration; 2-6months
Plan B ( Refer to Raise The Pay)
we help everyone that desires to travel abroad with no capital to leverage the family and friends contacts to raise their pay, which means the applicants introduce only 20 eligible applicants if you want to travel to Canada free, all the required itineraries completely facilitated with no dime expect for service charge.
Deposit; (200k)
Service charge balance (900k)
Duration 2-4months
Plan C (Total Facilitated Empowerment )
The Company facilitates the visa, job, accommodation, flights and all other things. service charge applies, when you get to the field of labour in your choice of country, you pay back within the first six months maximum.
Total package:(4.1m naira)
Deposit; (300k naira)
Service charge balance (900k) to be paid once the visa is out
(2.9m) paid in duration of 6-12months while in Canada.
Terms and Condition applied:
You must have a collateral in your country or a collateral guarantor before applying for this package.