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The best thing that can happen to a Nigerian is this offer that Jaysmart Ventures presents to you.

Thanks for indicating interest in our global job recruitment and travel empowerment programs.

Through us, the much-experienced hassles of securing direct Express Entry or Provincial Nomination Programs for Canadian /American and Australian and the like, legal immigrants processes are taken care of.

We are in partnership with a licenced Canadian immigration recruitment agency and also members of NiDAN and an Associate of Seseworld Entertainment Int’l and also Partnering with Travel Coach for visa processing.

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Before anyone could be an eligible foreign job applicant and be fit to receive our travel empowerment for any of these countries we have a strong presence through the Nigerian in Diaspora Alumni Network(NIDAN). We help intending legal migrants within Nigeria, Ghana and Ethiopia to source for jobs with our partners in most of the desired Western countries in the world such as Canada, the US, the UK, Australia, Norway, France, Estonia, Indonesians, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Poland, Fiji Island, Mauritius, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, and Oman.

We help to facilitate both job, academic, asylum and tourist arrangements with employment agents /attorneys of immigration within those countries with the help of members of (NiDAN) Nigeria in the diaspora alumni network and after the job is secured (for the employment packages in some cases as we deem fit ), we help to facilitate the visa expenses until the visa is issued for our eligible applicants to pay before departure or finance the application procedures to balance the pay after the visa issuance.

These are our packages;

The service charge is (1.1m)
Deposit; (200k)
Balance; (900k) immediately after the issuance of the visa.

Note: our packages come with total expenses that covers everything that has to do with your visa, job, accommodation, permits, flight tickets, travel insurance, hosting and sponsorship, so you don’t have any extra payment expect service charge, the processing time to all countries take within 1-12 months depending on your desired country and the Plan you subscribed to.

Canada new 1

Plan A (self sponsorship)

we help eligible applicants to create a professional profile and do a job search in their preferred country after their documentation (once we secure employment for them they will finance their visa fee, offer letter of employment, hosting and sponsorship ) then the applicant pay us the overall expenses immediately the visa is granted within two weeks to enable him /her resume abroad on time. With (2yrs )work permit, (2yrs) Accommodation, Flight, Insurance.
Total cost :(3.5m)
Deposit: (580k)
Balance: (2.920m)
Duration; 2-6months

While 2.8m without those services only 2weeks hotel accommodation, insurance, hosting, sponsorship, validation of offer, visa fee etc.
Deposit; (580k)
Balance; (2,3m)
Duration; 2-6months

Plan B ( Refer to Raise The Pay)

we help everyone that desires to travel abroad with no capital to leverage the family and friends contacts to raise their pay, which means the applicants introduce only 20 eligible applicants if you want to travel to Canada free, all the required itineraries completely facilitated with no dime expect for service charge.
Deposit; (200k)
Service charge balance (900k)
Duration 2-4months

Plan C (Total Facilitated Empowerment )

The Company facilitates the visa, job, accommodation, flights and all other things. service charge applies, when you get to the field of labour in your choice of country, you pay back within the first six months maximum.
Total package:(4.1m)
Deposit; (300k)
Service charge balance (900k) to be paid once the visa is out
(2.9m) paid in duration of 6-12months while in Canada.

Terms and Condition applied:

You must have a collateral in your country or a collateral guarantor before applying for this package.

Family tourist package
Incudes, flight tickets for (4), 2weeks accommodation.
Total package; (4.4m)
Deposit; (800k)
Balance (3.8m)
Duration; 2-4months.

Pick and fill your application form, by paying into the company’s Account through the link below, to receive the documents either through WhatsApp or Email.

Then with your filled forms, all the trade and academic certificates you have obtained, you come for documentation, then to Alagbon Police Command Ikoyi Lagos for criminal clearance check, then back to JOAS Medical Laboratory Ikotun Lagos for medical fitness check, then back to us for submission and proper integration.

Your documentation consists of police character clearance, comprehensive medical fitness test and certificates confirmation from ministry of education and attestation from ministry of foreign affairs.

Other Requirements

  • International passport datapage
  • Certificates from 0’levels and above
  • CV
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  • Onasanwo Adeyemi August 17, 2020 at 9:02 am Reply

    I have been scammed by some travel agent. So for this reason can you receive a check ahead your good job.. if possible let me no because I can’t deposit or make payment for what have not received

    • jaysmartventures August 22, 2020 at 10:20 am Reply

      Sorry about that but for the sake of our Company policy, we won’t be apply to receive Cheques. that’s why we made the initial deposit to be affordable.

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